"Self-Care is not selfish" with Alex

"Self-Care is not selfish" with Alex

"New Way Forward" with Paul Long

"New Way Forward" with Paul Long

"The Sherlock of Longevity Land" with Dr. Nir Barzilai

"The Sherlock of Longevity Land" with Dr. Nir Barzilai

"The Start Overs" with Kat Garza

"The Start Overs" with Kat Garza

Active Aging with Oseterics!
The unrelenting existence of Yoga

The unrelenting existence of Yoga

Yoga has been practiced for thousands of centuries, evolving itself through different cultures and civilizations. Even today, we see a continuous modification in its form. This International Yoga Day, let's reflect on timelessness of Yoga!

"Navigating Personal Style" with Imogen

"Navigating Personal Style" with Imogen

Fashion is like milk. No matter how much you are attached to your milk, you will have to let it go when it's stale. Meet Imogen, an expert with more than 20 years of experience in personal styling with practical tips to reinvent your style!

"Celebrating Life" with Jennifer Canuck

"Celebrating Life" with Jennifer Canuck

Despite ageist trolls, Jennifer Canuck dresses up as a diva in vibrant colors inspiring midlife women all over the globe. What started simply as documenting gray hair transition has proven to be a journey of empowerment. Jennifer now doesn't want to stop and neither do her followers!

"Novel Pursuits" with April Cole

"Novel Pursuits" with April Cole

While caring for her son during pandemic, April started sharing her life story online. She soon struck a chord with several women. April now champions pro-aging and wants to encourage others to reinvent themselves.

Sexuality in Later Life

Sexuality in Later Life


The topic of sexuality is often shrouded in societal stigma and misconceptions. Despite evidence that suggests desire of sex may not diminish with age for everyone, individual perceptions often limit our understanding of this complex issue.

"Musings after 100 Marathons" by Loren Thomas

"Musings after 100 Marathons" by Loren Thomas

Dr. Loren Thomas spent 46 years in the field of education while also completing three masters degrees and a doctorate. He travels around the world to teach and volunteer. He also happens to be an avid marathon runner. At the age of 70, he has just completed his 100th marathon.

"The Vibrant Gray" with Roxanne Gould

"The Vibrant Gray" with Roxanne Gould

Roxanne is one of the pioneers of no-dye silver hair modeling. In spite of many rejections, Roxanne persevered while creating her own niche. In this conversation, Roxanne shares her motivations, challenges and what she believes is key to leading a purposeful life.

"An Extraordinary Swim" with Ed Horne

"An Extraordinary Swim" with Ed Horne

At an envious age of 67, Ed solo-swam across the English channel through a 16-hour-long continuous swim in the cold open sea. Only a few swimmers older than Ed have achieved the same feat. Ed revisits his motivations and how he prepared himself to achieve the seemingly impossible.

Family caregivers : The salient heroes

Family caregivers : The salient heroes


Family Caregivers are key to healthcare structure worldwide. As per estimates, unpaid family caregivers carry out economic activities worth 600bn$ in USA alone. While many are driven by a higher purpose, recognizing their struggle needs to become more mainstream.

Over 50 and looking for love ?

Over 50 and looking for love ?

Guest writer Imagen Gowan (writer of '50: Diary of a Middle-Aged Woman') talks about finding love in midlife, social trends, and challenges. Also, find out what other influencers say about dating in midlife & beyond.

"Finding Strength" with Hella Willimsky

"Finding Strength" with Hella Willimsky

An ordinary biology teacher in Germany suddenly found herself amongst a whirlwind of life challenges: Divorce, menopause, financial crunch and empty nest. Fifteen years later, Hella is a bestager model who is constantly exploring new dimensions of life.

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